You got it, it's that time or year again!
In this introductory session, students will learn the basic foot and arm positions. Also, basic movements, and steps of Highland Dance. Not to get it mixed up with Irish Dancing, Highland Dancing is a celebration of the Scottish spirit. Highland Dance lessons are a wonderful way for both kids and young adult to gain the health benefits of dance as well as learn self-discipline and body control. When students take lessons in Highland Dance they develop a skill, a sense of community, team building, friendships and so much more! Classes emphasize fitness, self-motivation, goal setting, and age-appropriate skills and techniques. Lessons are available for girls and boys. No previous dance experience is required.
Class attire: A fitted t-shirt or tank top. Shorts with white knee socks or leggings. Ballet slippers (fitted) pink or black (but not required). If students have long hair, it must be pulled back and out of the student’s eyes and face. Please, bring your own water bottle.